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A beginners guide to weight training

As an avid gym goer, I have been going to the same gym for about 8 years now. I have been able to make great improvements in my fitness throughout my years through persistent hard work. Although it has not been easy, I have transformed what used to be a scrawny guy who didn’t know what he was doing to the person I am today.

I have made various mistakes along the way, however. From eating a poor diet to doing simply the wrong exercises to bulk up, my journey has not been easy.

Not to mention the fact that I have always been a hard gainer. It was never easy for me to put on muscle mass, to begin with simply because of my genetics. I am certainly not using genetics as an excuse but it certainly has been a factor that has slowed me down a bit.

The bottom line is that I know how difficult it can be for people to power through in the gym and make significant progress. As a beginner I didn’t know what I was doing so I totally understand if you really just have no idea where to start.

Even those who are experienced at the gym can use some guidance from time to time and there is no shame in asking for advice.

That’s why I created this blog. I know first hand what its like to have no idea what to do at the gym and so I am really interested in helping people out that could use some guidance.

I put together a guide of some of the best exercises you can try for each part of your body. Of course, the guide is broken down in terms of a day by day schedule in the typical week of someone serious about putting on muscle.

The exercises are outlined in the guide with the objective of maximizing muscle growth. This is not a cardio based program so if you aren’t interested in making muscle gains then this guide is not for you.

When following this guide, keep in mind that the order of the exercises and the order of the days in which you exercise is important. For instance, doing chest exercises and triceps exercises on the same day is critical because as you work out the chest you often work out the triceps. Thus, doing both the chest and triceps on the same day makes sense.

Thank you for your interest in my blog and I hope that you get some good value out of it. These are the exact same exercises that I still do so I know from experience that they are effective.

To check out my two hours a week workout click here!

To check out the week by week full body workout I put together, check the links out below!

Monday- Legs 
Tuesday- Back and bicep
Thursday- Chest and triceps 
Friday- Shoulders


